Goddess Alive! Review

as published in

Goddess Alive! Goddess Celebration and Research, issue No. 13

This book, subtitled “Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion”, was originally available on-line as an e-book, and now is available in printed form [ see note below ]. It was based on a doctoral thesis by Glenys, and that shows in the sometimes challenging nature of the material, such as ‘Gaia, Goddess, Cosmogenesis and the Female Metaphor’ and ‘Embodiment, Gendered Language, and Personal/Cultural/Cosmic Stories’. Some may find parts of it hard-going, but personally I was delighted to come across a book that talks intelligently with great thought and insight about issues relating to Mother Earth and Goddess spirituality. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the book for Northern hemisphere readers is the section on the Wheel of the Year – for here we find Samhain on April 30th, Winter Solstice on June 20th, etc. for Glenys is Australian, and here she attempts to adapt the Celtic Wheel of the Year to the Australian year. She gives detailed ‘scripts’ for the rituals celebrated by Glenys and her group, including calling the directions, invocations to Goddesses, and taking the energy out into the world. There is plenty here that will be of interest and relevance, no matter where in the world you may be practising Goddess spirituality. The book is a journey into ecospirituality, linked to the unfolding universe as manifested by the Triple Goddess, and deserves a place in anyone’s collection of interesting & original Goddess books.

NOTE from Glenys: Actually it was the other way around, but that’s OK.

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