PaGaian Cosmology Meditations

PaGaian Cosmology Meditations

available in digital format or as a set of three CDs and 16 page booklet,

by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.

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A beautifully produced collection which supports the celebration and contemplation of each Seasonal Moment: the Winter and Summer Solstices, Autumn and Spring Equinoxes and the cross-quarter days of Early Spring/Imbolc, Beltaine/High Spring, Lammas/Late Summer, and Samhain/Deep Autumn. 

PaGaian Cosmology Meditations offer a Deep Time perspective incorporated into the Seasonal Wheel of the Year … each Seasonal Moment is embedded into the time-developmental evolutionary story. It is a story of never-ending renewal, and ongoing creative unfolding, within a Goddess frame.

CD set (signed) within Australia: $10 plus $6.90 postage per set: please order each set individually for post purposes.  Buy Now Button Please contact me (Glenys) if you would like a bundle, offered at a bulk price.

CD set (signed) international: $AUD10 plus $AUD24.90 postage. The high cost of international post is due to postal changes since the Covid pandemic. More copies could be ordered to be included for the same postage, if you contact me (Glenys) directly. For one set only click the button Buy Now Button


DIGITAL: $14.95 for the whole set.   Buy Now Button 

PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing digital tracks, you will need to click on “Return to Glenys Livingstone” in PayPal to access and download your track: it will not be automatic unless you do this. FOR INDIVIDUAL TRACKS see below.

Please contact me directly if you have any problem.


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These meditations are based on decades of ceremonial devotional practice and meditations that have been part of PaGaian Seasonal ceremonies and mentoring at MoonCourt, Blue Mountains Australia. Each meditation may be a ritual in itself, if one chooses: or they may simply be a method of engaging with the Seasonal Moment.

Gaia’s cycle of Creativity, when participated in fully, facilitates a magical process, such as Her Creativity is. I have been told they are also good healing bedtime stories to plug into as you go to sleep, anytime: they are an ecopsychology.  

In these times of deep change, a return to sacred ceremony seems necessary – medicinal, even urgent – for the wholing and healing of each and all, for the remembering of who and where we are. Participating consciously in the sacred process of Earth’s everyday journey around Sun, the wheel of the year, is a Poiesis … the making of a world.

The meditations may be for group or individual contemplations: inviting your own creative process within the cosmology offered.

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CD set
PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing individual tracks below, you will need to click on “Return to Glenys Livingstone” in PayPal to access and download your track: it will not be automatic unless you do this.

Please contact me directly if you have any problem.

Version 2
Samhain/Deep Autumn Meditation:
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Version 2

Winter Solstice/Yule

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Version 2

Imbolc/Early Spring

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Version 2

Spring Equinox/Eostar

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Version 2

Beltaine/High Spring

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Version 2

Summer Solstice/Litha

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Version 2

Lammas/Late Summer

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Version 2

Autumn Equinox/Mabon

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“Glenys has deepened my experience of the Wheel by setting it into the vast web of all creation. We are as connected and held by the planet as the planet is held by the gravity of the sun and, so the relationships go on, back to the very creation, the great birth of the universe. Glenys’s meditations invite us to experience these natural rituals of the season as our birthright.” Review by Jude Lally for SageWoman magazine 2017.

This set of three CDs with booklet is a treasure. … Livingstone’s narration delivery, including pace and timing of pauses, is outstanding … Each meditation includes music, … the balance between the narration and music seems perfect to me. … These are meditations of great depth, which contain both mystery and celebration…., and is likely to appeal to both those beginning on the Goddess path as well as those who have been on it for a while. I recommend it with gratitude for the technical perfection of its audio and the spiritual depth of its content.” Judith Laura, blogging as Medusa, on Medusa Coils,  author of Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century and Goddess Matters: The Mystical, Practical & Controversial  


Though these meditations are prescriptive: that is, pre-scribing a creative process, room is allowed within that for any person or group to vary some things for themselves … there is space for your own scribing/authoring within the cosmology offered to you.

For a taste: Autumn Equinox Meditation 

and Samhain/Deep Autumn meditation on SoundCloud

Music Acknowledgements (others are listed in the booklet):

IntroductionOh How I Dreamed from Deity CD by Wendy Rule

Samhain: Shamanic Healing by O. Baldwin and R. Bottom, courtesy of Good 2 Move Music Ltd/North Star Publishing Ltd. and ‘Uyll’ from the album Deep Within a Faerie Forest by Gary Stadler and Wendy Rulecourtesy Sequoia Records.

Winter Solstice: Spiritbirth and Ancient Footsteps from Fish-Nite-Moon CD by Tim Wheater

Imbolc/Early Spring: Music courtesy of Bronwyn Kirkpatrick, MOON CD.

Spring Equinox/Eostar: Gentle Sorrow by Sky from Dreams CD and ”: Shine from Deity CD by Wendy Rule.

Beltaine/High Spring: Shedville 28th Nov 05 by Nick Alias

Summer Solstice/Litha: Extending a Hand from Glorious Woman CD by Nick Alias.

Lammas/Late Summer: Shores of the High Priestess, from Dreams CD by Sky

Autumn Equinox/Mabon: Gentle Sorrow by Sky from Dreams CD.

… oOo …

Also available: a DVD of three short meditation videos

Invoking Her DVD Cover-001

 Invocations of the Sacred Three – a powerful Creative Cosmic Dynamic recognised by humans since our earliest of times – and cross-culturally; often recognized and represented as the Triple Goddess or the Triple Spiral. And a PaGaian rendition of a prayer to our sacred Source of being.

Cost within Australia: $8 plus $4.10 postage

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Cost international: $AUD8 plus $8.90 postage

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  1. […] may find the Summer or Winter Solstice tracks on PaGaian Cosmology Meditations CDs useful for ceremonial purpose – available for purchase individually in digital […]

  2. […] may find the Summer or Winter Solstice tracks on PaGaian Cosmology Meditations CDs useful for ceremonial purpose – available for purchase individually in digital […]

  3. […] PaGaian Cosmology Meditations […]

  4. […] may find the Samhain/Deep Autumn and Beltaine/High Spring tracks on PaGaian Cosmology Meditations CDs useful for ceremonial purpose – available for purchase individually in digital […]

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