PaGaian Wheel of the Year – Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere: a Wheel of Creativity

The Seasonal Wheel of the Year as a pattern of Creativity for each hemisphere. I understand this Seasonal wheel to represent a template of wholeness, as I describe it in the Preface to PaGaian Cosmology. At the Centre of the PaGaian Wheel is the Triple Spiral motif, which may be understood to align with the three multivalent qualities of Cosmogenesis and Great Goddess. I have named those three qualities as “Space to Be”, “Urge to Be” and “Place of Being”. These diagrams represent a summary of PaGaian Cosmology, as it is developed in the book PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion, and further in the recently published A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos: Celebrating Her within PaGaian Sacred Ceremony, and also in the year-long on-line course: Celebrating Goddess and Cosmogenesis in the Wheel of the Year.

Note that the Sunwise direction is opposite for the Southern and the Northern Hemispheres.

Below each graphic there is a “Buy Now” button if you would like to download an A3 poster for your Hemisphere.

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Graphic Artist: Julie Cunningham. Julie’s work may also be viewed at Ideas Made Visual

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