

Logo PaGaian Cosmology

based on the book

PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion

Lincoln NE: iUniverse, 2005 (new edition 2008)

by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.

Celebrating Cosmogenesis – expressed in the Triple Spiral
– each particular beautiful Self, new in every moment
– deep relationship and communion with Other, the web of life
– direct participation in the sentience of the Creative Cosmos, the Well of Creativity
Glenys Livingstone 2006

In keeping with the movement and theme of the book PaGaian Cosmology, it is published here – freely available – with a Creative Commons license. It is offered by Glenys Livingstone, the author, as a resource and to inspire further Creativity – more expressions for the Sacred Cosmos. You are invited to read the book here (though you may also choose to buy it), and to tour the various sections and articles of this site.

Geologian-cosmologist Thomas Berry has noted: The newly energizing Earth community needs a mystique that will provide the high exaltation appropriate to the existence of such a stupendous universe and such a glorious planet as that on which we live. This can be found in celebrating not simply the seasonal sequence but also the irreversible transformational sequence, as this has taken place in the evolutionary story of the universe

PaGaian Cosmology brings together a religious practice of seasonal ritual based in a contemporary scientific sense of the cosmos and female imagery for the Sacred. Glenys situates this original synthesis in her context of being female and white European transplanted to the Southern Hemisphere. The work grew from her sense of alienation from her place, which was personal, cultural and cosmic. This fires a commitment to a cosmology that re-stories Goddess metaphor of Virgin-Mother-Crone as a pattern of Creativity, which unfolds the cosmos, manifests in Earth’s life, and may be known intimately.

PaGaian Cosmology is an ecospirituality grounded in indigenous Western religious celebration of the Earth-Sun annual cycle. By linking to story of the unfolding universe this practice can be deepened. And a sense of the Triple Goddess – central to the cycle and known in ancient cultures –may be developed as a dynamic innate to all being. The ritual scripts and the process of ritual events presented here, may be a journey into self-knowledge through personal, communal and ecological story: the self to be known is one that is integral with place.

PaGaian Cosmology may be used as a resource for individuals or groups seeking new forms of devotional expression and an Earth-based pathway to wisdom within.

About the Author:
Glenys Livingstone graduated with a Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of Western Sydney, Australia. Her action research and thesis in the study of female imagery for the Sacred – upon which this book is based – grew from inner and communal work over the period of nearly three decades. An Australian with country roots, teacher training, theological and social science studies, she has journeyed into life’s compost and found transformative power to return smiling.

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For a signed copy within Australia, $28 plus $13.50 post: Buy Now Button


If you are in lands other than Australia, you may still buy a signed copy via PayPal but you need to contact Glenys  directly, to get the cost – it’s just that postage is more, depending on where on Gaia you are exactly.



PaGaian Cosmology Meditations

available in digital format or as a set of 3 CDs and a 16 page booklet

cover 1

For your signed copy please click below, or contact Glenys: and please let me know to whom you would like it signed.

Within Australia: $10 plus $6.90 postage per set: please order each set individually for post purposes.  Buy Now Button

International: $AUD10 plus $24.90 postage per set:  please order each set individually for post purposes. Buy Now Button

DIGITAL $14.95 Buy Now Button PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing digital tracks, you will need to click on “Return to Glenys Livingstone” in PayPal to access and download your tracks: it will not be automatic unless you do this.

For access to the doctoral thesis by Glenys Livingstone upon which this book is based: see: The Female Metaphor – Virgin, Mother, Crone – of the Dynamic Cosmological Unfolding : Her Embodiment in Seasonal Ritual as a Catalyst for Personal and Cultural Change.

Re Creative Commons license


Acknowledgement of Country

This Land who gave me birth and with whom I dwell and create this work, this continent named Australia is country – a lived mystery of the sentient kinship that creates every detail of place, held in mind and tended by the tens of thousands of generations of people who walk before and with us. This work is indebted to them, past, present and future; with respect and gratitude for this 60,000-year deep tap-root in time and refined awareness.

I acknowledge and give thanks for the inspiration for this wording to Susan Murphy of Zen Open Circle.


  1. From the time of the very auspicious inception of the civilization, mankind is continuing to find out the correct answer to the question about universe creation or creator. Aborigines have taking up the considerations of the causes by religious thoughts in different ways as consolations as there was no practical answer or solutions to the questions. Pensive it mentioned below the little serving as an example of my research results and see through that World Vision of Science. See at https://shahidurrahmansikder.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/world-vision-of-science/

  2. I purchased the digital copy of the Meditations CD from my phone, but I am unable to download it there due to limited storage space. How can I access my purchase from my computer? Or can I cancel the purchase and try again from my computer?

    1. Hello Mikel … I have responded via PayPal. I think it may be easiest to cancel the purchase and try again from your computer. Let me know if you have any problem – directly if you like pagaian@bigpond.net.au

      1. Thank you! I am looking forward to trying out the meditations. 🙂

      2. Unfortunately, I don’t see any option in PayPal to cancel the transaction. :-/

  3. BJ Long · · Reply

    Yes would like to continue receiving info

  4. blondelady60 · · Reply

    Yes please.

    1. hello there … I imagine that this “Yes” is a response to my email about the pagaian.org list? If so, you will need to reply to the email by email, or tell me your identity here. Thanks

  5. aidanmoore395106855 · · Reply

    “merging the new sciences with the Goddess”…(Sara Wright).

    Will there be a 2020s edition of PG?

    1. yes coming soon hopefully … submission due in September 🙂

      1. aidanmoore395106855 · ·


  6. I’m glad there is such a variety of earthy, Goddess spirituality coming back. Left, Right & Centre. It is a good time, for that, to be alive.

    No Business Like Venus Business

  7. aidanmoore395106855 · · Reply

    The concept of the Female Principle as the mother and sustainer of the Universe has always been expressed as three personalities.

    First it was the Triune Goddess, in the Matriarchal era.

    She was demoted after the male Warrior Revolution which ended the matriarchal society centered on fertility and family and replaced it with a patriarchate organised for war, looting and empire. Warriors did not plant and reap, that was beneath their dignity. They waited until the neighbours had sown and reaped, then they invaded and raped both people and produce.

    The Patriarchy ushered in the Mediterranean Dark Age, which lasted 600 years from around 1200 BCE until the rise of Persia and the Greek city-states with their crowning glory Athens.

    Dana (pronounced ‘Donna’) the Earth Mother became Danae or Diana the wife or the daughter of Zeus, subservient to Zeus and then Jupiter. She was demoted later to the Three Fates, then the Three Graces, then the Three Marys at the foot of the Cross. The Triune Goddess became the Holy Trinity of male gods of the Christians.

    Hera (pronounced ‘HAY-rah’) the Sky or Galaxy Goddess, the second person of the Triune Goddess, became a concubine of Chronos the father of Zeus, forever plotting with her children to depose Chronos. She especially plotted with the people we now call the Gaels or Celts, who called themselves the Tuatha or Tuatan (tribes) Danann (of the Earth Mother).

    The Greeks called the Tuathan ‘Titans’ and the Romans called them ‘Teutons.’ Later Hera mobilised them against Zeus and the Patriarchate and for that they were banished to ‘a distant land in the North where the Sun never shines.’ They continued to reject the Olympian gods and worshipped Danu and Hera. They named their distant island home after Hera.

    The Third and highest person of the Triune Goddess is the great but distant and nebulous Great-grandmother, the Supreme Being of the Universe, too big to be visible to human eyes. She was called ‘Sile’ (Sheela) in Irish, Sule (Soul) in Britain, Seele in Germany, Celeste in Gaul and Celestis in Rome. Great monuments were erected to Her in Ireland, at Bru na Bo’inne (Womb of Bo-ann), at Bryn Mawr (Great Womb) in Cambria and on the Sulis Bru (Womb of Sule) Plain in what is now England.

    My current concern is to reconcile our civilisation’s greatest achievement, Science. with the Goddess Religion that worships and serves Our Mother (Ma Donna) Earth, Hera and Sheela. She is known in Europe today as Mary the Mother of God, which Sheela is, or rather will be. The Universe is evolving in a process that one day will give birth to the God that all desire. Within the womb of Sheela lies the Galaxy Hera, one of many which are also evolving. When Hera merges with Andromeda in five billion years the mating will produce a colossal birth of new stars and their planets. The result of that, with its billions of living evolving worlds, will produce something which could be taken for the long-sought God. But even that is but a step to the final one that will produce the fully-conscious Universe that our European ancestors called ‘Sile’ Sule (soul) or ‘Celeste.’

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