PaGaian Cosmology On-line Course

For those in the Southern Hemisphere of Earth-based tradition, the Wheel of the Year begins in the late Autumn (late April- early May) with the Seasonal Moment traditionally known as Samhain or more commonly as Halloween. So my year-long course in Seasonal celebration of our Earth-Sun journey, begins there. The Introduction is best done in the month before (in March) to lay the foundation for the rest of the year’s creative work.


A Womb of Gaia altar for PaGaian Cosmology Southern Hemisphere

This video gives a taste of the essence of the course and the foundation: Situating in the Womb of Gaia: a PaGaian Contemplation of Her Creative Place. The course begins with the creating of your own altar, which grounds the process for each Seasonal Moment as it arises through the year. Participants receive e-notes and links to meditations and slideshows, and some photocopied material in the mail. There is also a private Facebook group that may be joined, and possible Skype sessions if desired.

PaGaian Cosmology is an eco-spirituality grounded in the Pagan/Indigenous tradition of Old Europe, linked to story of the unfolding Universe, and Triple Goddess Poetry. It celebrates the Creativity of the Cosmos – within self, other and All. It is:

A Celebration of Cosmogenesis in the Wheel of the Year: a Poieses of the Creative Cosmos

The human emerges within the life systems of Earth as that being in whom the universe reflects on and celebrates itself in a special mode of conscious self-awareness (Thomas Berry, Evening Thoughts, p.146)

For more information: Celebrating PaGaian Cosmology On-line

To register to participate: contact glenys@pagaian(dot)org

More about the teacher Glenys Livingstone

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